Search capabilities

You can do simple searches or use advanced features to improve your search.

The search engine will scan all the elements in the catalog and seach text in the following fields :

  • Technical name

  • Business name

  • Business description

  • Business rules

Once the search is done, you can filter by Classification, Concept and Privacy levels.

The search is not case sensitive

Examples and syntax

Search for a specific word

Simply write the word
Example: search for the word "Patient"
Syntax: patient
Result : Displays all the elements in the data catalog that contain "Patient"

Search for 2 or more words

You need to use an operator such as AND, OR, NOT between the words

Example: Search the words "Patient" and "Medication".
Syntax: Patient and Medication
Result: Displays all the elements in the data catalog that contain "Patient" AND "Medication".

Example: Search for text with "Patient" in it but it should not contain "Medication"
Syntax: Patient and not Medication
Result: Displays all the elements in the data catalog that contain "Patient" AND "Medication".

Example: it is possible to use parentheses to prioterize the order of the operators
Syntax: (Patient and Medication) or Prescription
Result: Displays all the elements in the data catalog that contain "Patient" AND "Medication" or the term Prescription

Search a specific string

You need to put the text you would like to search in double quotation marks

Example: Search for the text "Patient encounter"
Syntax: "Patient encounter"
Result: Displays all the elements in the data catalog that contain this specific text.

Search for words that need to be near each other
Use the keyword NEAR

Example: Search for the word "disease" near "diagnosis"
Syntax: NEAR(disease,diagnosis)
Result: Displays all the texts where disease and diagnosis are near each other

Example: Search for the word "disease" but "diagnosis" should be maximum 2 words away from disease
Syntax: NEAR((disease,diagnosis),2,TRUE)
2 = maximum distance from the word
TRUE/FALSE = respect the order of the word
Result: Displays all the texts where disease and diagnosis are separated by 2 words maximum

Search for all forms of a word (eat, ate, eaten,...)
Use the keyword FORMSOF

Example: Search for the word "woman" and all its forms
Result: Displays all the words with regular or irregular inflections

Search for all the words with the same prefix
Use the
wildcard sign *

Example: Search for the word with the prefix "chem"
Syntax: "chem*"
Result: Displays all the words that start by "chem"

Search for specific words with weight for each one
Use the
keyword ISABOUT

Example: Search for the words "chemotherapy" with a weight of 1 and "microbiological" with a weight of .4
Syntax: ISABOUT (chemotherapy weight (1), microbiological weight (.4) )
Result: Displays all the words according to their weights

If you need more information about the syntax to be used, please consult the full text search documentation : Syntax